Should ‘Woke’ Companies Be Worried? - Brett Bruen in PR Week
Brett Bruen on responding to attacks from politicians: Focus on fundamental American ideals.

Have You Simulated Issues and Crisis for 2022? Do it Now.
You thought the last few years were challenging for crisis communication? Sure, we had a global pandemic and massive political upheaval. Disinformation and truth distortions reached record levels. Don’t forget the unprecedented changes to our planet. But, you haven’t seen anything like what awaits us in 2022.

Former Trump PR Pro Urges CEOs to Push Unity on Social Stands
We certainly have very different world views. She worked in Donald Trump’s White House. I served in the one Barack Obama led. Yet, crises sometimes help those with very different backgrounds and beliefs find common ground.
Alyssa Farah, who was President Trump’s director of communication, knows a lot about crisis management. She had to navigate a few during 3.5 years in the West Wing. Recently, we chatted about lessons learned from what were undoubtedly some of the most intense interactions any media relations team ever experienced. Several are relevant as companies prepare for, and respond to, today’s polarized political climate.

Now Is The Time For A Crisis Audit

Today’s Crises Require Countermeasures

GSR’s Brett Bruen for Business Insider: America is going to need to spend massive amounts of money to rebuild its tarnished global reputation
Brett Bruen says America needs to put its money where its mouth is: invest in diplomacy to repair damaged global reputation.

Bruen for Fast Company: The attack on the Capitol has damaged democracy worldwide for a generation
Brett Bruen after Jan. 6: “The United States must rise and prioritize the robust promotion and protection of democracy in its hour of greatest need.”

GSR’s Brett Bruen in Fast Company: I was responsible for America’s global brand at the White House. The damage is irreversible.
With America's image tarnished, US companies must define themselves in the global landscape, according to GSR's Brett Bruen.

A Profile in Courage: Remka Nwana
Global Situation Room intern Remka Nwana on interning amidst a global pandemic

Bruen for Business Insider: A slew of former US ambassadors said disinformation is one of the world's biggest problems. It's time companies took the threat just as seriously.
In a GSR survey of 50 former US ambassadors, disinformation came in as one of the top global risks that companies will need to take a stand on.

Opinion: Companies Have A Duty To Defend Democracy
Brett Bruen: “It’s time for businesses to take on a larger role in the defense of democracy.”

VIDEO - China's Fake Social Media Accounts Could Be Devastating for U.S., Brett Bruen Says
Brett Bruen speaks on China's weaponization of social media: the well-articulated strategy could be devastating to the U.S.

Post-COVID Communications

Defending Against Disinformation
Information warfare is no longer a problem just for governments. Increasingly, companies find themselves targeted. Few have adequate defenses. As the threat expands, developing the capability to counter disinformation needs to be at the top of your to-do list.

When Crisis Calls, Answer the Phone

An Interview with Mr. Brett Bruen
Brett Bruen speaks on “counter-crisis management” to The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

GSR’s Bruen for CNN: The Russians fooled us once, but we don’t have to let them fool us twice
According to GSR's Brett Bruen, America must invest in countermeasures to combat Russian information warfar

Obama official: We could have stopped Russian trolls - CNN
According to GSR's Brett Bruen, the government could and should have stopped Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Panel discusses legacy of Princess Diana’s advocacy
Brett Bruen and Former Chief of Staff to Diana, Princess of Wales discuss the princess’ legacy of advocacy.