Defending Against Disinformation

Information warfare is no longer a problem just for governments. Increasingly, companies find themselves targeted. Few have adequate defenses. As the threat expands, developing the capability to counter disinformation needs to be at the top of your to-do list.

I remember watching, from the White House Situation Room, Russia launch a ferocious assault against Ukraine. The soldiers and arms actually were less concerning than the trolls, bots and an extraordinary effort at mass manipulation of reality.

Not only was Moscow focused on maligning those fighting for democracy in the country, but it also managed to convince many that patently false claims were true or vice-versa. We did three things in response that are useful anywhere.

First, regularly and rigorously track popular disinformation narratives. This will help you understand lifecycle, common tactics and tradecraft. It can also provide early warning when the focus starts to shift toward topics that may be related to your industry.

Second, start building tools to protect yourself from an information attack. These include basics like fact sheets, external validating voices and a playbook for your team on how to respond.

Read the article via PR News Online


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