Our Principal Practices
Our unique approach to crisis management starts by putting in place strategic reservoirs of goodwill, helping you do more than survive, but thrive. This is part of our cutting-edge counter-crisis communications strategies that:
We identify and track your vulnerabilities through crisis audits & simulations
Build processes for risk identification and indication
Create counter-crisis infrastructure
Develop countermeasures that can be deployed to
change the course of crisis.
Lead counter-crisis seminars
Thought Leadership
Influence, these days can’t be bought, it has to be earned. It requires taking a stand and elevating your values and vision beyond the company. We help you to understand the terrain and to identify the most advantageous ways to engage. We focus on impact over impressions.
We build campaigns around public positions
Put together presidential quality events
Create and execute issue advocacy campaigns
Strategic counsel on best practices for owned media including websites, brochures, and social media
Generate influential allies, advocates, and amplifiers
Produce videos, podcasts, and other creative content
Our unique ability to prominently position clients in foreign markets has generated them hundreds of millions in new revenue.
We have unrivaled access to decision-makers around the world
Create global branding, marketing and campaigns
Organize foreign trade delegations/events
Produce in-depth market research
Localize and translate company messaging

Situation Room Studios
We create world-class content
With access to some of the most important and influential people on the planet, SRS has a high-powered network of leading journalists, academics, government officials, and celebrities. We book guests that attract listeners. Led by the former head of radio politics programs at Bloomberg, our team shapes these conversations into network-quality shows.