Opinion: Companies Have A Duty To Defend Democracy

America has long considered itself a beacon for democracy. But Donald Trump's presidency has badly damaged our nation's ability to defend democracy around the world. Many foreign leaders are now asking, who will fill the void? A survey we just conducted of 50 former American ambassadors, who served under both Democratic and Republican presidents, came back with an unexpected answer: corporations.

The study, conducted by firms the Global Situation Room and Porter Novelli and published this week, reveals that these diplomats believe issues related to democracy and elections are the No. 1 global risk that businesses need to be prepared to publicly address in the coming year. That's a remarkable reflection on the state of the world.

Read the entire article here.


Bruen for Business Insider: A slew of former US ambassadors said disinformation is one of the world's biggest problems. It's time companies took the threat just as seriously.


Audio: The Future of Diplomacy