Bruen for Business Insider: A slew of former US ambassadors said disinformation is one of the world's biggest problems. It's time companies took the threat just as seriously.

Some of America's most experienced foreign policy leaders are sounding the alarm about disinformation.  

In a survey of 50 former American ambassadors conducted by our firm, Global Situation Room, the former top diplomats were asked to rank the top global risks companies will need to take a public stand on in the next year. Disinformation came in ahead of major issues like human rights, poverty, and climate change. Only democracy and racism ranked higher.

This is not what we expected. Global Situation Room and Porter Novelli set out to survey some those best placed to know what are the most significant risks in today's complex world. We are in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic, protests for racial justice, and the biggest economic downturn in a century. From terrorism to trade, there are also a whole lot of problems that predate our present predicament. Honestly, I didn't think disinformation would even make the top ten.

Read the entire article here.


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