Former Trump PR Pro Urges CEOs to Push Unity on Social Stands
Thought Leadership, Crisis Communications Global Situation Room Thought Leadership, Crisis Communications Global Situation Room

Former Trump PR Pro Urges CEOs to Push Unity on Social Stands

We certainly have very different world views. She worked in Donald Trump’s White House. I served in the one Barack Obama led. Yet, crises sometimes help those with very different backgrounds and beliefs find common ground.

Alyssa Farah, who was President Trump’s director of communication, knows a lot about crisis management. She had to navigate a few during 3.5 years in the West Wing. Recently, we chatted about lessons learned from what were undoubtedly some of the most intense interactions any media relations team ever experienced. Several are relevant as companies prepare for, and respond to, today’s polarized political climate.

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Brett Bruen: "Si no te internacionalizas, en poco tiempo te quedas sin empresa"
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

Brett Bruen: "Si no te internacionalizas, en poco tiempo te quedas sin empresa"

Brett Bruen (Rochester NY, 1980) fue diplomático de Estados Unidos y ejerció como director de Gestión Global de la Casa Blanca durante la presidencia de Barack Obama. Su especialidad es la utilización de comunicaciones estratégicas para la gestión de crisis y conflictos. Sostiene que los mensajes deben adaptarse totalmente a lo que el receptor o cliente espera, algo que no hacen la mayoría de páginas web de empresas. Es precisamente esta herramienta de Internet la que por sí sola es ya un elemento de internacionalización, asegura, y las que no miren más allá del mercado local, regional o nacional corren serio riesgo de desaparecer.

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Forging a Fresh New ‘iLand’
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

Forging a Fresh New ‘iLand’

There's no doubt that Ireland has one of the best brands in the world. I hardly have to mention that each year billions of people around the world enthusiastically adopt its nationality for St. Patrick's Day – this year on March 17. Tens of millions hold dearly a direct family link to the country. Any day of the year you can step into an Irish bar in nearly any city on the planet. What other country enjoys such expansive and effective experiential marketing?

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I was responsible for America’s global brand at the White House. The damage is irreversible.
Thought Leadership, Global Global Situation Room Thought Leadership, Global Global Situation Room

I was responsible for America’s global brand at the White House. The damage is irreversible.

I spent the first half of my career protecting America’s global image as a diplomat on the streets of Tikrit, Caracas, and Antananarivo. Serving as director of Global Engagement at the Obama White House, it was my job to build long-term strategies to strengthen our influence around the world. When I left the government in 2015, I felt that we were making good progress.

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Why 2020 is Set to be a Year of Changes but not Instability
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

Why 2020 is Set to be a Year of Changes but not Instability

Lombard Odier's 'Rethink Perspectives' event in London presented our investment convictions for 2020 and highlighted the US elections set to dominate the news cycle in the latter part of the year.

Managing Partner Fréderic Rochat, Chief Economist Samy Chaar, UK Private Bank Chief Executive Duncan MacIntyre and former White House Director of Global Engagement Brett Bruen debated the outlook.

Frédéric Rochat said that the transition to a clean, lean, inclusive and circular (CLIC) economy would create unprecedented opportunities to generate investment returns.

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The CEO’s Who Rule the World
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

The CEO’s Who Rule the World

CEO is increasingly coming to stand for chief engagement officer. Engagement on the environment. Engagement on immigration. Engagement on politicians' troublesome tweets. Executives are now expected to lead social and political movements as much as they guide the financial future of their companies.

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