The CEO’s Who Rule the World
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

The CEO’s Who Rule the World

CEO is increasingly coming to stand for chief engagement officer. Engagement on the environment. Engagement on immigration. Engagement on politicians' troublesome tweets. Executives are now expected to lead social and political movements as much as they guide the financial future of their companies.

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Delivering Online Ed, Worldwide
Thought Leadership Global Situation Room Thought Leadership Global Situation Room

Delivering Online Ed, Worldwide

American universities mostly miscalculate international engagement. Many see online education as the best means to expand globally. Some invest in creating expensive overseas campuses in places like Dubai and Shanghai.

Yet the most significant opportunities exist somewhere in between. External hubs would provide physical platforms for international students to take classes abroad, without an institution having to build a remote campus. In this space, there are currently very few universities operating. If a shift does not take place soon, American institutions stand to lose significant ground to foreign competitors who are closer, more relevant and quickly developing the capacity to compete with our best universities.

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